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  • Writer's picturesassmastermaxie

The First Post of (Hopefully) Many

So with a certain elongated muskrat making my usual shitposting platform into a bit of a cesspit, I've had to take the time and effort into creating a platform where I can share my things and keep people up to date on what's going on with me. And make an art portfolio. Funny how this ended up being the kick up the ass that I needed to do just that. Time to put all those website design skills to good use!

So hey everyone. I'm Maxie. Just your average dude who likes to draw and write and play video games. I made this site (and blog) as a way to showcase my stuff and shitpost to my heart's content.

But of course, change is hard. Change is a difficult beast, and where you've been used to things being one way, adjustment sucks. It really fucking sucks. But sometimes we gotta put up with it. Which is a hell of a lot harder when you're some degree of neurodivergent. We're not well wired to take change in our stride. So it takes a bit to get used to it.

In the meantime though, here's a start to some sort of blog thing.

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